Submitted by admin on Wed, 09/18/2013 - 10:01
[anat]run=1 #1 means Yes, 0 means Noworking-dir='anat' # working directorypostfix= #postfix for working-diroverwrite=0 #0 means trying to continue from last time's trying if files in progress exist, 1 means ignore all intermediate files and start all over againclean-intermediates=1 #clean intermediate files after calculation#if template-brain is set, it has highest priority#if not, try to use template-head#if using template-head, if brain-mask specified, use it; if not, bet it.#if non is set, use MNI152_T1_2MM_BRAINtemplate-brain='$FSL_DIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz' #specify anat template to be the normalized templatetemplate-head='$FSL_DIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz' #specify anat template to be the normalized templatetemplate-brain-mask='$FSL_DIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz' #specify anat template to be the normalized templatefnirt=0 # run FNIRTvbm=0 #VBM/DARTEL instead of Xiaowei's robust way#Skull stripping partbrainmask= #user-specified brain mask, then will use this mask instead of doing skull stripping. If set ,this option will suppress the following strip option, blank means disabledstrip= #blank means disabled#strip='bet %s brain.nii -r 90 -m; ln -s brain_mask.nii brain.msk.nii;' #if not specified, use ROBEX as default, otherwise using the command line included, such as FSL bet, '3dSkullStrip' to use AFNI's 3dSkullStrip ...#example: (has to make sure there is a brain mask named as brain.msk.nii)#strip='bet %s brain.nii -r 90 -m; ln -s brain_mask.nii brain.msk.nii;'[func]run=1working-dir='func'postfix='' #postfix for working-diroverwrite=0clean-intermediates=1t1dir='anat' # specify anat processed directoryepitpl='' #if not specified, use t1 template to generate a EPI templatedxyz='' #if specified, will make the generated EPI template match this voxel size. Even this is specified, the resampling is still only one step to escape over-resampling or over-smoothingfnirt=0 #apply FNIRT/warpingvbm=0 #1 if anat is using VBM/DARTEL to aligndiscard=4 #discard first 4 time pointstpattern= # alt+z, alt+z2, alt-z, alt-z2, seq+z, seq-z, ...; 3dTshift needed parameters, blank means using default detected from DICOM headerdespike=1 #determine if using 3dDespike to despike EPI time pointsdespike-opt='-nomask' #3dDespike options, don't try to specify -prefix option which will not has effect, the other options would be accepted, -ignore would also be suppressed by discard option#scrubbing, generated to be a comprehensive time mask from the following thresholdsafni-censor= #apply AFNI censor (Euclidean Norm of 6 motion parameters) threshold 1.2mmfd=0.5 # fd=0.5 as a thresholddvars=50 #0.5% dvars thresholdcensor-pre=1 #also scrub 1 pre-time pointcensor-post=2 #also scrub 2 post-time pointcoregister-cmd-line= #flirt -in head.nii -dof 6 -ref refunc.nii -omat head2func.omat -out head2func.nii #input and output filename must be same as this sample cmd line#nuiance variable regressingregress-global-mean=0 # regress out global mean signals within brain maskcsf=1 #regress out csf signalcsf-pca=3 #regress out first 4 pca components of CSFwm=1 #regress out wm signalwm-pca=3 #regress out first 4 wm components of WMfriston24=1 #build 24 motion parameters from 6 as co-variablepercent-signal=2 #convert EPI signals to percent change signals,#1: scale each voxel's mean value to 100;#2: scale global mean to 100 and add each voxel's mean to the mean scaled funcsmooth=6 # 6mm FWHM#bandpass filtering, both must be specified. BLANK means disabledbandlow=0.01 #high pass filteringbandhigh = 0.1 #low pass filtering[func.conn]input=lfunc.nii slfunc.nii nlfunc.nii snlfunc.nii #calculate the functional connectivity for these pre-processed filesmask= #calculate the correlation within the maskunderlay='$FSL_DIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz' #Default MNI152_T1_2mm_brainROI-list= # a filename defining the ROI, each line is a ROI[func.ReHo]input=lfunc.nii nlfunc.nii #calculate ReHo for these pre-processed files, remember not including smoothed files before ReHonneigh=27 #calculate 27-neighbours ReHo as 1st level analysismask=t1tplmsk_func_size.niiunderlay='$FSL_DIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz'[func.FEAT]input=lfunc.nii slfunc.nii nlfunc.nii snlfunc.niidesign-zip=
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