vbm 分析

3DT1图像用DARTEL分析,灰质c1开头的文件经过“Normalize to MNI space”后出现了下图这样的图像,分析步骤也在下边,请问我该怎么解决?期待您的回复,谢谢!

 (1) DICOM to NIFTI. (2) "New Segment + DARTEL": New Segment -- The structural image is then segmented into gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid by using "New Segment" in SPM8. (3) "New Segment + DARTEL": DARTEL -- Create Template, and DARTEL -- Normalize to MNI space (Many Subjects) for GM, WM, CSF and T1 Images (unmodulated, modulated and smoothed [8 8 8] kernel versions).


分析步骤如下:Estimate and write,Check data quality Display one slice for all images(the “wm*” files)。

