Scan time

 Dear Members,

I have few basic questions. I am using Philips 1.5T  for rsfMRI. I have scanned a subject for 8 min. I have given the details of aquisition parameters below. When TR is 2sec and scan time is 8 min (480 sec) the total volume should be 240. But I am getting only 120 volumes of images. Could you plz explain where I am going mistake or any other parameter affecting the scan time?

"Repetition time (ms): 2000
Echo time[0] (ms): 
Echo time[1] (ms): 45
Inversion time (ms): 
Flip angle: 70
Number of averages: 1
Slice thickness (mm): 4
Slice spacing (mm): 4
Image columns: 64
Image rows: 64
Number of frames: 
Phase encoding direction: COL
Voxel size x (mm): 3.4375
Voxel size y (mm): 3.4375
Number of volumes: 120
Number of slices: 35
Number of files: 4200
Number of frames: 0
Slice duration (ms) : 0
Volume interval (s): 4
Orientation: tra"

Only TR will influence total TR number, so 240 is right. You need to confirm with scanner operator.

 Thank You for your reply. If you look at the parameter (2nd one from the last) volume intervals-4. Should I change this as 2?

I am not sure. But you can try. And please let me know the results. Thanks.