July 2016

possible bug

Hi there,

 I am using RestPlus to compute functional connectivity when I define my ROI using AAL atlas, it save it as a .nii file but while analysing it looks for .img/.hdr file

I am not sure why it doesnot save as .img/.hdr it gives an error and stops computation when it cannot find the file in right format.


Thanks for your help and suggestions.

bug in AlphaSim?

Dear REST experts,

Recently a shocking paper has been published which criticize the use of cluster-based parametric correction:


This paper also pointed out the bug in 3dClustSim in AFNI, which was left for 15 years until recently. As far as I understand the algorithm in AlphaSim is identical to 3DClustSim. So AlphaSim would have the same bug? Has it been fixed in recent release of REST PLUS?

Thank you in advance,




      我现在做了一个两样本t检验,打算在rest里面使用alphasim来估计cluster size,首先需要估计平滑核,具体界面见附件。里面需要输入三个文件才能估计平滑核,其中中间的mask file是做两样本t检验的mask吗?那其余的input statistical map和 FWHM of statistical map需要输入什么呢?
