
REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing.

REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing. -

请高人指点如何查看rest slice view的结果?

小弟我我试着做了统计,用rest slice view得出结果,但是看不懂结果,请高人指点下,非常感谢
# voxels structure(对于voxel structure,这个是否指16个相接的体素每个体素的部位?下表中如此分散,例如:左侧海马只有2个voxel BA34区就一个voxel,这些点有没有意义?)
3 Midbrain
3 Left Brainstem
2 Limbic Lobe
2 Hippocampus_L (aal)海马
2 ParaHippocampal_L (aal)左侧海马旁回前扣带回皮层
2 Parahippocampa Gyrus
2 Left Cerebrum

Questions about ICA plz posting here (独立成分分析相关问题我在这里做解答)

My major research interest is Independent Component Analysis (ICA): methodology and applications.

If any questions regarding with ICA, please feel free to post here and I will try my best to solve them.

And I will post some helpful information about ICA each day if I have time.

About me (Han ZHANG)

Me, Han ZHANG, born in '82, now is working as a research follow in the Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders (CCBD), Hangzhou Normal Univ, Zhejiang, China. I got my B.S. in Information Science and Electronic Engineering from Zhejiang Univ (2001-2005), then was M.S. student (2006-2008) in Computer Science and Applications in the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning (SKLCNL) in Beijing Normal Univ. After that, I got Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience from SKLCNL at Beijing Normal Univ (2008-2011). Please find my detailed CV in attachment.

REST in scipts

1 ReHo computing in scripts
1.1 Brief description
This sample would remove the linear trend and do band pass filtering, then run the ReHo algorithm, and divide the global mean in a predefined mask. In the meantime, save this person’s result for further t test.
1.2 Scripts

History of creating and maintaining this website

Honestly, I should have started logging the change of from the very first draft.

Er, I would try to log anything important to this site from now on, no laziness, no excuse.

Now is the point:

Taxonomy upgrade extras: