fALFF results are weird

 Hi REST experts,
here i have performed mALFF analysis on a group subjects, these subjects received medication, that is expected cause sedation, my hypothesis is that the drug should bring its effect via thalamus, hence i used the thalamus mask. but the results are weird in that the post intervention he mfALFF is higher than the preintervention. any insights regarding this finding (results are confirmed by redoing the analysis twice) 
thanks in advance

Dr. RB

Do you mean sedation effect? If so, the increased ALFF after sedation is interesting. We have previously found that the thalamus has higher ALFF during eyes closed than eyes open conditions.

Liu D, Dong Z, Zuo X, Wang J, Zang Y. Eyes-open/eyes-closed dataset sharing for reproducibility evaluation of resting state FMRI data analysis methods. Neuroinformatics. 2013 Oct;11(4):469-76.