

New Articles about Epilepsy

Epilepsy Res. 2012 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Connectivity disruptions in resting-state functional brain networks in children with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Mankinen K, Jalovaara P, Paakki JJ, Harila M, Rytky S, Tervonen O, Nikkinen J, Starck T, Remes J, Rantala H, Kiviniemi V.

Department of Pediatrics, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland.



1. 使用激活图来做mask,但是发现此时的mask原料是前面生成的ALFF、fALFF、ReHo、zFC的值经过统计之后,生成的激活图,根据这些激活图,再使用一些运算,如((i1>0)+(i2>0))>0等类似的方法生成所需ROI的mask。那现在这些mask是做什么用的呢?在视频一中提到,计算ReHo、ALFF、FC时可以使用自己定义的mask,但是那时mask还没有啊。这样一来,不就相当于一个死循环了。难道只能使用default mask计算ReHo等值后,通过统计得到mask用于下一批数据?

2. 如果我想在数据预处理之后,如Normalized之后将各体素的BOLD激活值提取出来,用于MATLAB计算,应该如何提取呢?应该使用什么命令语句,或者程序呢?

BE CAUTIOUS when using FOX ET AL., 2005 coordinates

Lots of people used the coordinates of 6 ROIs provided by Fox et al., 2005 (Fox, M.D., Snyder, A.Z., Vincent, J.L., Corbetta, M., Van Essen, D.C., Raichle, M.E., 2005. The human brain is intrinsically organized into dynamic, anticorrelated functional networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 9673-9678.).

For the first ROI (IPS) of the six ROIs (IPS, FEF, MT+, MPF, PCC, LP), the Talairach coordinates is: -25, -57, -46. [Methods -> Correlation Techniques]
However, this point sits in cerebellum!! Far away from the intraparietal sulcus (IPS).

I guess this is a typo in that paper, the correct coordinates should be -25, -57, 46. See foci in Table 1, IPS (-23, -66, 46) (25, -58, 52).

So be careful when using the coordinates from that paper.


我的功能像dimension是64*64*39的,voxel size 是3*3*3的,用DPARSF做数据处理,default mask是61*73*61,voxelsize是1*1*1的,和我的数据dimension不一样,我试着用rest中的reslice对default mask重采样,结果我看了下采样后的图像,脑部明显不全,我想做个64*64*39的mask,请问怎么做呢?因为我的实验是探索性的,是对整个脑部哪一部分激活的探索,所以想请教下各位谁能帮我解答下怎么做一个适合自己数据的全脑mask

Arranging files correctly for DPARSF

Hello REST experts,

I have a question about arranging files for DPARSF. When reading the instructions for choosing the working directory, it says:
"If you start with NIFTI images (.hdr/.img pairs) before slice timing, you need to arrange each subject's fMRI NIFTI images in one directory"