Slice viewer Overlay error

 Dear all,

I am trying to use the Slice Viewer within REST to perform cluster-extent corrections on a paired-t image, but am getting the following error when selecting the t-image as the Overlay:

??? Attempted to access theOverlay(11,190); index out of bounds because

关于利用DPARSF获得大脑90个区域functional connectivity矩阵的问题

      目前我利用DPARSF软件预处理数据是遇到了一个问题。我希望利用这个软件获得大脑90个区域之间的functional connectivity的矩阵,但是我从软件中的模板选择区域时发
现好像它没有将整个大脑划分为90个区域,所以我无法得到这个矩阵。现在我的问题就是我应该怎么设置DPARSF这个软件去得到这90个区域之间的functional connectivity呢?我需要重新下载模板吗?谢谢大家的帮助。

DPARSFA 2.3: Correct "Slice Order" values for sequential (ascending) acquisition

Dear DPARSF users and developers,

Could you please confirm that the values I am enering are correct?

I have 200 BOLD volumes per subject, 40 slices acquired in a sequential (ascending) order. 
Slice numbering starts at 0, therefore I should enter:
Slice number: 200


        我利用MICA软件提取了DMN网络。现在观察患者每个DMN 的功能连接异常区域是否和患者预后评分有关系。对于每个DMN ,先在双样本t- 检验的结果中提取出患者相比正常对照降低的脑区(P<0.05,AlphaSim校正),作为ROIs。然后应用REST里的Extract ROI Signals工具提取ROI Singals,但是运行时出现以下错误提示,小弟非工科,看不懂代码,恳请老师指点,不胜感激!


          Rest calculate中的计算temporal 相关的函数有问题,下次升级就会改进,现在需要做temporal 相关分析的,可以修改rest_TwoGroupCorr.m文件中的函数“temcorr(Group1Dir,Group2Dir,outdir)”。即将rest_TwoGroupCorr文件中74行的for i=1:nVolumn替换为    for i=1:size(Group1Series,1)即可。

一个SPM问题:在任务态数据二阶中分析最后的results阶段,FDR/输入P value后就卡死了,请师兄老师指教



Error in Realign


I am extremely new to using the DPARSF software.

I am trying to preprocess my resting-state fMRI data and can get DPARSF to begin this, but it will only work for a while until I get this error message: 

Moving Realign Parameters:Sub_4982 OK

    'Error in Realign: Sub_4982'


Any ideas why this might be? I have tried it on two different subjects and each time this message comes up. 

Many thanks in advance, 
