DPARSF Error - Following Detrending

We're working with the processing demo data in DPARSF and have gotten through the detrending step, but encounter the following error right after:

Error using rmdir
No directories were removed

In DPARSF we chose not to delete detrended files. Is there a way to get around this error without deleting those files?


I am looking for SPMmouse for my research !!
Can someone send it to me please ?  my email is zodikadem@yahoo.fr
I am not able to find it on the internet by myself

Thank you


 官方安装的MICA_beta1.22_20120523版本,在Matlab2012a、2013b版本下命令窗口输入“mica”时提示如下错误,(WIN7 32bit 64bit系统都不行,把其他软件(SPM9、REST、DPARSFA等)都在set path里撤除了,只剩下MICA,还是同样错误,


DPARSF Advanced edition 路径选择错误

      我用了DPARSF A, 发现一个问题, 使用demo data, 路径设置后, DPARSF不能自动读取被试, 但是, 同样的设置(路径, 文件名什么的都没动), 在基本版的DPARSF里面就可以正常读取, 我的环境是 Win7 64位操作系统, Matlab 2012b, 请问这是怎么回事? 是bug吗? 还是和matlab 2012b兼容性问题?